JHipster NodeJS: Bootstrapping a CRUD Application with Node.js Backend

Table of Contents

PrerequisitesBackend FeaturesFrontend FeaturesDeployment FeaturesStep-by-Step GuideConclusion


  1. Node.js and NPM
  2. JHipster CLI

Backend Features

Backend features provided by JHipster NodeJS blueprint include the integration of the NestJS Framework, TypeORM for seamless database interactions, JWT for secure authentication, Swagger for comprehensive API documentation, nodemon for hot reloading, and efficient log management. Additionally, there's native support for Docker, aiding in containerization.

Frontend Features

The frontend capabilities of JHipster NodeJS offer developers a choice among Angular, React, and Vue.js. With a responsive design powered by Bootstrap, it ensures optimal viewing across various devices. Additionally, there are ready-made admin modules, support for I18n, and tools for easy entity generation.

Deployment Features

On the deployment side, JHipster NodeJS has got you covered with guides for cloud deployment. It employs a stateless architecture ensuring scalability and robustness. Furthermore, it provides configurations for both Docker & Kubernetes, making container orchestration a breeze.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Installing the JHipster NodeJS Blueprint:

    npm install -g generator-jhipster-nodejs
  2. Creating a New JHipster NodeJS Application:

    Navigate to the directory where you want to create your new application and run:

    jhipster --blueprints nodejs
  3. Going through the Prompt:

    • JHipster will ask you a series of questions. For our CRUD app, choose a monolithic application.

    • Select the desired frontend (Angular/React/Vue).

    • Follow the remaining prompts as per your preferences.

  4. Generating an Entity:

    To demonstrate a CRUD operation, we'll generate an entity. Let's call it "Book".

    jhipster entity Book

    Answer the prompts as follows:

    • Add fields: title (String), author (String), and publishedDate (LocalDate).

    • Add no relationships.

    • Add no pagination.

  5. Running the Application:

    With both frontend and backend code generated, run the backend with:

    npm start

    Navigate to the frontend directory and run:

    npm start
  6. Accessing the CRUD UI:

    Once both backend and frontend are running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080. You'll see the JHipster home page.

    • Login using the default credentials: admin/admin.

    • Navigate to the Entities dropdown menu and select Book.

    • Here, you can Create, Read, Update, and Delete books!


JHipster NodeJS offers a seamless integration of the best tools and practices for full-stack development. With functionalities ranging from backend to frontend to deployment, it's an invaluable tool for modern web development.

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